The Séance Begins
“She doesn’t know how to use an apostrophe, but you think she can contact Horace? Even if she has all the powers she claims to have, there’s no way the Horace we knew and tolerated would condescend to talk to someone …
“She doesn’t know how to use an apostrophe, but you think she can contact Horace? Even if she has all the powers she claims to have, there’s no way the Horace we knew and tolerated would condescend to talk to someone …
Annie: Horace would be pissed if I cried, so I won’t. I’m going to say all this in the most calm and collected voice …
“What a dick.” It was all I could think when the smell became overwhelming. I couldn’t complain. He did give me fair warning. And, I know, you know, that you’re not supposed to speak ill of The…
The Teddy Bear Coder Part 5: The AI Dominion January 8 Fairvale, California 11:32 AM Justine Gillespie, the young blonde attorney, followed Martin through the front door. Jack was standing at the door waiting for …
December 25 7:46 AM Fairvale, California Jack woke up, stretched, and reached for Teddy. “Merry Christmas, Bear!” He was surprised to find Teddy was nowhere to be found. He searched under his blanket…
The Teddy Bear Coder Part 2: Martin’s Unemployment December 18 3:38 PM Fairvale, California Jack came home from school to find the most horrible thing he could imagine. His mother was crying. He heard his father’…
Friday, December 11 Fairvale, California Martin Zephyr was irritated when he opened his eyes to find his son, Jack’s, tattered teddy bear on his chest. He frowned and sat up to look at the clock. 2:43 AM. He…
I want to begin by saying Merry Christmas! I truly cannot believe what a crazy year it’s been. So much has happened. But, we’ll get to that another time. Right now, I need to tell you about my best Christmas prese…
Never in my life have I ever experienced something like this. This is a sickness that you think you are fine and everything is ok but you never knew that your one step landing your ass inside ICU. It really hits you fast if you do not catch it in ti…
I am not good with writing, or typing. So before I start, I have to say I am sorry in advance. This weeks episode is about the long ago days, when we didn't have Pc's in every home. nor had cordless phones in our home. If your family was like mine …